Thu, 08/06/2009
Charlottesville, VA (August 3, 2009) – The City of San Antonio and Mayor Julian Castro proclaimed the week of July 22-26, 2009 as “Kappa Sigma Fraternity Days” and what a week it was for the 67th gathering of Kappa Sigma Brothers from across North America. One thousand thirty-five undergraduates, alumni and guests came together at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on the Riverwalk to celebrate Kappa Sigma’s Finest Hour, representing one of the largest attendances in the history of the Grand Conclave.
The Opening Session of the 67th Biennial Grand Conclave was highlighted with presentations about the success of Kappa Sigma’s A Greater Cause (AGC) and Champion Quest (CQ) initiatives. AGC Commissioner Gregory S. Hunt (Beta-Upsilon, North Carolina State) announced that Kappa Sigma Chapters and Colonies had raised $2,532,401 to support charities throughout North America, and volunteered 660,957 total man-hours for community service and philanthropy in the past two years. This biennium’s totals for A Greater Cause doubled the dollars raised and man-hours contributed from the previous two years.
The AGC session also featured Kappa Sigma’s presentation of a check for $117,340 to the Fisher House Foundation Inc. for the Fraternity’s Military Heroes Campaign. General Paul V. Hester (Delta-Xi, Mississippi), 2002 Kappa Sigma Man of the Year and Honorary Chairman for the Military Heroes Campaign and Brothers Dean Schwart (Pi-Delta, Virginia/Wise) and A.J. Tong (Gamma-Mu, Washington State) made the presentation on behalf of Kappa Sigma. The Military Heroes Campaign provided funds to sponsor the construction of a Fisher House in the Washington D.C. area, which will lodge soldiers and families of soldiers wounded in combat while they are being treated and rehabilitated. Brothers Schwart and Tong were both wounded in combat while serving in Iraq and are recipients of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Golden Heart Award for bravery and courage.
During the Champion Quest session, Worthy Grand Master-Elect E.L. Betz, Jr. congratulated chapters and colonies on behalf of the Supreme Executive Committee for a sixth consecutive year of record recruitment, during which Kappa Sigma pledged 7,036 men. The hard work and dedication also resulted in a 15% increase in initiates over the past two years, adding 9,987 new Brothers. Fifty-two new Colonies were established, representing a 19% growth over the previous biennium. Brother Betz announced the Fraternity’s new CQ goal to pledge 7,250 men for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Delegates of the 67th Grand Conclave elected a new Supreme Executive Committee to lead Kappa Sigma for the 2009-2011 biennium. The Brothers elected to serve are Worthy Grand Master E.L. “Bill” Betz, Jr. (Epsilon-Psi, Lambuth); Worthy Grand Procurator S. Christian Nascimento (Kappa-Eta, Widener); Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies Hugh M. Robert (Epsilon-Mu, Tulsa); and Worthy Grand Scribe- Gregory S. Hunt (Beta-Upsilon, North Carolina State). Brother Philip L. Thames (Theta-Gamma, Midwestern State) will continue in his four-year term as Worthy Grand Treasurer.
The Grand Conclave was highlighted by an outstanding speaker lineup. The Fraternity enjoyed inspirational presentations from Brother Marcus Engle (Mu-Rho, Missouri State), who delivered his presentation “In the Blink of an Eye,” and a leadership address by 2006 Man of the Year and Former Deputy Director of the CIA Brother Marty Petersen (Rho, Arizona State).
The energy of the week could be felt throughout the general business sessions, as the meeting hall overflowed its capacity. The success of the biennium was reflected in the number of awards presented to undergraduate chapters, colonies and Brothers. In total, 516 different awards were presented to 160 chapters and colonies and 104 volunteer alumni received recognition for their service to the Order.
The Fraternity proudly inducted two Brothers into the prestigious Kappa Sigma Hall of Honor -- Brothers Willard F. Rockwell, Jr., (Alpha-Delta, Pennsylvania State), Past Worthy Grand Master and former President of North American Rockwell, and the Honorable Robert J. Dole, (Gamma-Omicron, Kansas), 1970 Kappa Sigma Man of the Year and former U.S. Senator from Kansas.
The Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund raised $218,000 during the week, through the Jackson’s Men Program and the 12th Gate Society. This represents the largest number of gifts ever pledged during a Grand Conclave. The Endowment Fund also hosted the Jackson’s Men Reception, which was highlighted by the musical performance of Dr. Joy Brown Wiener, Violinist and Cecile Skaggs, Pianist.
The Grand Conclave Banquet on Saturday night was a time of great fellowship, culminating a week of excellence for Kappa Sigma Fraternity. In the time honored tradition, WGM H. Phillip Bell, IV (Lambda-Xi, Georgia College) passed the Worthy Grand Master’s badge and gavel on to WGM-Elect E.L. “Bill” Betz, Jr., as the 64th Worthy Grand Master of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Undergraduates, alumni and guests departed the 67th Grand Conclave with a tremendous feeling of success and an eye pointed on greater achievements for the coming biennium. It was truly a time of celebration for Kappa Sigma’s Finest Hour.